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on Wednesday, May 31st at 11AM EST

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As a Creative, is it possible to do what you love and make more money? (And not lose yourself in the process?)

Many of you don’t believe it’s really possible. I know you have tons of questions.

When I talk with dancers, healers, artists, musicians, writers, wellness practitioners (and more), you all bring similar questions.  

It really comes down to…

As a Creative, is it possible to do what you love and make more money? (And not lose yourself in the process?)

Many of you don’t believe it’s really possible. I know you have tons of questions.

When I talk with dancers, healers, artists, musicians, writers, wellness practitioners (and more), you all bring similar questions.  

It really comes down to…

I’ve set aside some time to talk with you and discuss this.

More importantly, I want to hear your questions and share my answers within a healing container where I can also provide my unique and highly effective strategy that combines both mindset coaching AND healing.

I’ve set aside some time to talk with you and discuss this.

More importantly, I want to hear your questions and share my answers within a healing container where I can also provide my unique and highly effective strategy that combines both mindset coaching AND healing.

I’m offering the:

Q&A Super Session

on Wednesday, May 31st at 11AM EST completely free to you.

This one-hour session includes:

  • An overview of the energy healing + movement work I do so you can increase your embodied intuition and clarity

  • A brief teaching on the Universal Laws so you can navigate challenges and create solutions with more ease

  • Details on the ways you can work with me in the near future so you can take your transformation to the next level. My gift is being able to help you see your blindspots and your brilliant potential.

And I will give you Hot Seat Coaching + Healing time, along with Q&A as we go.

You’ll walk away from this one-hour session with questions answered, inspiration, and clarity on where to go from here to make money doing what you love.

Come get a glimpse of how my work can support you!

I’m offering the:

Q&A Super Session

on Wednesday, May 31st at 11AM EST completely free to you.

This one-hour session includes:

  • An overview of the energy healing + movement work I do so you can increase your embodied intuition and clarity

  • A brief teaching on the Universal Laws so you can navigate challenges and create solutions with more ease

  • Details on the ways you can work with me in the near future so you can take your transformation to the next level. My gift is being able to help you see your blindspots and your brilliant potential.

And I will give you Hot Seat Coaching + Healing time, along with Q&A as we go.

You’ll walk away from this one-hour session with questions answered, inspiration, and clarity on where to go from here to make money doing what you love.

Come get a glimpse of how my work can support you!

I’m Michelle Boulé, your Personal Transformation Partner.

I’m a Creative, through and through. I realized some years ago that if I didn’t have a better relationship with money and prosperity, the things that I was beginning to imagine and desire in my life, wouldn’t happen. Like having a nicer home, time for travel, and all the healing, bodywork, and study I love to do! 

Join me and other Creatives for an open discussion where you can ask questions about my program, The Brilliant Creative plus all the ways we can work together on making your creative vision a reality.  In addition, I’ll provide a brief teaching, healing, and guidance.

I’m Michelle Boulé, your Personal Transformation Partner.

I’m a Creative, through and through. I realized some years ago that if I didn’t have a better relationship with money and prosperity, the things that I was beginning to imagine and desire in my life, wouldn’t happen. Like having a nicer home, time for travel, and all the healing, bodywork, and study I love to do! 

Join me and other Creatives for an open discussion where you can ask questions about my program, The Brilliant Creative plus all the ways we can work together on making your creative vision a reality.  In addition, I’ll provide a brief teaching, healing, and guidance.

"Working with Michelle has been life-changing and transformative. It helped me get the fire of my work burning and will fuel me for the rest of my life. I took leaps of faith that led to many big shifts for my dance and coaching careers -- becoming a choreographer (a dream I had for years but was afraid to pursue), having my work presented in NYC, and starting my own coaching company. 

I’ve made business decisions with more confidence, I'm supporting my clients in ways that I never thought were possible, and I'm earning more income than ever before. If you’re truly desiring big changes, work with Michelle! It’s absolutely worth the investment."

— Nicole Mannarino


"Michelle fundamentally changed my attitude, my thinking, and my beliefs around pursuing my dreams and creating abundance. With her help, I finished a project I’d been working on for years, and I left my day job for a better one, a job that literally paid three times what I was making before. 

While I understand the worry about spending the money, the investment made me focus and prioritize myself much more than I would have otherwise. The cost more than paid for itself, and I honestly don’t think I would have made the changes without her."

— Patrick B.

"The hot seat... Unreal.  The shift that occurred was so simple, easy, fast.  This conflict that no amount of personal work was able to shift, BAM. 

Michelle's transparency, humor, and heart in the group is extraordinary and refreshing.  SO grateful."

— Barb Lucas

Founder - Open-Ended Expressive Arts Studio, IFS Therapist, Artist

About Michelle Boulé

Michelle Boulé is a Mentor and Transformational Life and Business Coach with a unique methodology.

She’s also a Healer, Dancer, and Heart-Space Holder.

Her work gives creative artists, entrepreneurs, and professionals all over the world the clarity they need to manifest their visions and align with their truth confidently.

She offers online group and private coaching, speaking, and in-person retreats and has been featured in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Thrive Global, Bloomberg Businessweek, Dance Magazine, and The Today Show, amongst others.

Using creativity, humor, and play, Michelle brings a unique methodology to personal transformation that creates profound change.

With over 25 years of practice in somatic therapies, energy medicine, mindset psychology, spirituality, and her award-winning international career in dance, the heart of her work is LOVE.

About Michelle Boulé

Michelle Boulé is a Mentor and Transformational Life and Business Coach with a unique methodology.

She’s also a Healer, Dancer, and Heart-Space Holder.

Her work gives creative artists, entrepreneurs, and professionals all over the world the clarity they need to manifest their visions and align with their truth confidently.

She offers online group and private coaching, speaking, and in-person retreats and has been featured in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Thrive Global, Bloomberg Businessweek, Dance Magazine, and The Today Show, amongst others.

Using creativity, humor, and play, Michelle brings a unique methodology to personal transformation that creates profound change.

With over 25 years of practice in somatic therapies, energy medicine, mindset psychology, spirituality, and her award-winning international career in dance, the heart of her work is LOVE.